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Letter from Head of School (22nd Sept)

Letter from Head of School - Mrs Kayleigh Oliver

Prynhawn Da! 

It is that time of the week again where I share with you some of the excellent work that has been taking place across our school. Throughout this week all pupils have had assemblies focusing on the theme ‘identity and respect’, it has been fantastic to see our young people engage so maturely and with such interest. Da Iawn Pawb! Next week our theme will be moving to focus on relationships and reflection. 

As part of our ongoing work to promote the Welsh Language throughout our school community, every week we will be having a ‘Welsh word of the week’. This word will be used throughout the week and it would be fantastic if this could be replicated at home. The word for next week is ‘Shwmae’. 

This week we have seen over 70 pupils from Year 7-11 audition for parts within our school production, ‘Matilda’. From speaking with Mrs Barrett and her expressive arts team, it has been clear that the standard has been strong throughout. Well done to everyone who auditioned, and we are very excited to see the work and dedication evolve for this production over the coming months. This week we have also started rehearsals for our Christmas Carol Service. 

From discussions with our staff this week, it has been clear we have had a plethora of pupils who are worthy of a mention on this platform. I personally want to congratulate Lilli Hughes (Year 10) and Sonny Dempsy (Year 10) for their fantastic start to the school year, approaching all situations across the school with mutual respect and responsibility, values in which we want to model throughout the school. Mrs Thomas (Welsh) has asked me to pass on the outstanding work of 7A on producing paragraphs on introducing themselves. Miss Fleming PE has been impressed with the work of 8E in PE. Mrs Stockman has asked me to mention 11T Science who have performed very well on recent assessments and held very interesting cross curricular discussions on the science and history of nuclear power and its relevance in World War Two. 

Next week our extra-curricular activities will be available for pupils, and I would ask parents/carers to look at the school website for more details on this. I know there are a number of football fixtures taking place, Year 7 will play St Cenydd and St Johns, Year 8 will play Gartholwg and Year 9 will take on St Johns. Pob Lwc! I am also pleased that we have 70, Year 9 pupils visiting ‘The tower of London’ with Humanities, focusing on the protest and rebellion throughout British History. Pupils will also be experiencing a boat along the Thames and the London Eye. As a school we will also be celebrating ‘European day of Languages’ on Tuesday which will be led by Mrs Gabby Mills. Pupils will be designing bunting to represent a European Country of their choice; creativity is key here. 

You might have noticed from our school website and social media pages, a date has been released for Ysgol Bro Taf’s Year 6 open evening. The evening has been confirmed for Wednesday 4th October 2023. If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please book through this link: Ysgol Bro Taf - Year 6 Open Evening

As a school we strongly value our relationships with parents, carers and the local community. It is vital that we work together for all pupils to achieve and be happy when in school. You will have received a separate message which includes our home school agreement, this can also be found on our school website. Please can I ask that all parents/carers read through the agreement and then complete the form here: Microsoft Forms 

Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents/carers about the importance of school uniform. Details of our school uniform can be found on the school website; please can I ask that parents/carers support the policy and ensure that no pupil comes to school in incorrect uniform. If there issues in accessing correct uniform and support is required, please email

Another fantastic week at Pontypridd High School- well done to all involved.