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A Level Results Day 2022

Given the exceptional circumstances everyone has faced in the last 2 years and the return of an examination programme for the first time since 2019, I would like to congratulate each of our students who have achieved success with their A level and AS results. It is a testament to their perseverance and commitment that they have met all of the challenges put before them.

In relation to our A Level results, particular mention must be given to Hannah Okon with A*A*A*AB, Ella Furmage A*A*AB, Jenna Coley A*A*BB, Will Pennell A*A*BC, Aidan Pritchard AAAB, Amy Cartwright AAAB, Mason Owen, A*ACD and Cameron Hall AAC. Also to Harry Davies ABCC, Deena Wattley ABBC, Oliwia Urbanska ABCC, Chloe Foggarty A*CD and Audi Silsuktipapsorn ABDE.

Congratulations also to our Year 12 students who have worked so hard to make a successful transition from GCSE and completed examinations for the first time at AS level. Results give encouragement for the year ahead and we must give particular mention to Sasha Bond with AAAA who performed exceptionally well in all her examinations.

Through the course of their A Level and AS studies each student has been required to adapt to new expectations and of course the demands of sitting examinations and being assessed at the highest standards. What we know about our school is that support has been offered in so many different ways and this has proved to be an essential part of maintaining a positive outlook when times were difficult. Alongside this I am also very much aware of the strong relationships we have established with each family over a number of years and as staff we greatly appreciate the support you have given.

Mr Bill Davies, Chair of Governors would also like to acknowledge what has been achieved and pass on his congratulations to all students on their results, in addition to thanking staff for their continued hard work and the support.

We are extremely proud of every student and everyone can be assured that the offer of support, help and advice will always be there if needed. As staff and governors we thank those students who are now leaving us for their contribution to our School and wish them well as they move on to new opportunities beyond Pontypridd High.

Huw Cripps


A gallery of photos of the students receiving their results can be found by clicking here