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Estyn Survey

Dear Parent / Carer


As a school community, we have experienced a great deal since the Covid pandemic led to school closure on March 20th. This includes a period of home learning, re-opening of schools and all the measures, guidance and regulations we have all had to comply with. The school experience has been a different one for all of us.


Estyn have been asked by the Minister for Education to review how well schools and their communities are being supported through these times. The report which they produce will help share effective practice across Wales and identify what might be done differently if there is further disruption.


As senior staff we have already spoken to Estyn about our experiences to this point and they are also looking for the views of students and parents / carers. We will be providing details of this survey to all students but if you would prefer, they can also access a student version of the survey from home.


Estyn will not be making comments about any school in particular, but if you want to make a contribution to this report please access the Estyn survey by following the link below: 


With thanks


Huw Cripps
